Biswas Bazar

Step into a world of comfort and convinience at Biswas Bazar, your one-stop shop for everything from fresh, local produce to exotic gourmet ingredients. Our friendly staff is always eager to help you navigate our curated selection, offering expert advice and recommendations. 

Biswas Bazar has secured a permanent residence in the hearts of parents with child care products, stationeries, toys and nursery items. At Biswas Bazar, we’re more than just a supershop, where we don’t just sell groceries, we sell experiences. And now to introduce you to a brand new spectrum of shopping, we are proud to announce that Biswas Bazar is offering free deliveries for online orders also.


Contact us if you have any queries.We believe our quality of service is our key strength.
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They saved my dinner tonight. Grabbed fresh fish for stir-fry, pre-made pasta sauce for the picky eaters, and even scored a birthday card for my son.

Happy Customer

I personally prefer quality over anything else. Their sanitary products are great.

Happy Customer

Very friendly and professional staff!

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